Neat Bar is a simple and elegant, compactly designed yet highly capable meeting room device for Zoom or Microsoft Teams. It`s perfect for bringing superior-quality audio and video to your meeting, huddle or focus rooms for up to ten people. You can m NEAT

Neat Bar is a simple and elegant, compactly designed yet highly capable meeting room device for Zoom or Microsoft Teams. It`s perfect for bringing superior-quality audio and video to your meeting, huddle or focus rooms for up to ten people. You can mount

3.199,00 € inkl. 20 % MwSt.
zzgl. Versand
  Lieferzeit 2-4 Tage
Artikelnummer: 7425096
Herst.-Artikelnummer: NEATBARBUNEU
EAN Code: 7090060400035
Versandgewicht: 8.9 kg
  • Produktinformationen


Neat Bar is a simple and elegant, compactly designed yet highly capable meeting room device for Zoom or Microsoft Teams. It`s perfect for bringing superior-quality audio and video to your meeting, huddle or focus rooms for up to ten people. You can mount